
Got Supps?

One of the easiest ways to impact your health is to get all the vitamins and minerals you can daily. Some of these vitamins will come from whole foods, and some from supplements.

Helpful info

  • Start with just a few supplements. Don’t waste money buying everything on the shelf. If you can’t take a few, you will never take many.

  • Please be sure to look for brands promoting sources from whole foods. I look for supplement brands that Olympic athletes can take. They have a strict standard. Brands with NSF certification labels are my favorite.

  • What good will anything do if it remains in the container? Duh. Take the supplements you just paid money for. I shouldn’t have to mention this, but some people waste a lot of money on stuff they don’t use. Please stop it.

Most CLients ask me…

When it comes to nutrition, most clients ask me about taking a supplement or taking several supplements. Supplements are great. Yes, it would help if you took them. There are a couple of things to consider before purchasing supplements. Quality is important. I won't condone taking Flinstone vitamins. Price would be the next thing to consider. Some supplements are pricey, and some are dirt cheap, depending on the supplement you want to purchase. Quality does cost, so depending on how much you want to spend, be ready to pay for the good stuff. The next thing to consider is what to take. RIght now, I won't explain why I have chosen these or what each supplement does for you. I don't want to create a lot of reading for you when the internet can tell you all about these things through videos on YouTube. You can research what each one does in your free time.


Instead, I made a list of the types of supplements I recommend for my clients. They are in order of priority. 

1. Multivitamin: you get the most value for your dollar here. They usually cover the entire spectrum of vitamins and minerals you need.

2. Fish, Krill oil, or any source of your favorite omega 3. Excellent for heart health and about 20 other things. Trust me. It would take me years to finish writing about Omeg3 benefits. Look it up and sit back because there is a crap ton of information.

3. Vitamin D3, or what I like to say, the sunshine supplement. Depending on where you live will determine how much you should take. I live in the Pacific Northwest. I take plenty of D3. Vitamin D3 helps bone growth by aiding calcium absorption and converting blood glucose into energy. Plus many other things.

4. Meal Replacement shakes are an excellent way to get supplemental nutrition. There are hundreds of types that I have tried over the years. It isn't very clear for most what brand is best. Since I've done years of research, I recommend the shake that I use. It's called Kachava. Before you get all bent out of shape and think that I'm selling this stuff to make money, you would be wrong. I’m not sponsored, nor do I get any benefit from this company. I have taken so many meal replacement shakes over the last three and a half decades. I've finally found the one I think is best and fits all of my needs. It's plant-based and has many goodies packed into the mix,  like probiotics and prebiotics. It's on the higher price end of meal replacement shakes, but it is well worth it.

Taking supplements is only part of a healthy lifestyle. I prefer that you get as many daily vitamins and minerals as possible from whole foods. That means eating more QUALITY vegetables, fruits, and proteins daily. Where your food sources come from will say a lot about its quality. Spend your money wisely. Buy the best quality you can afford.

There are many other supplements on the market. I could have mentioned ten more. I want to keep the cost low by only getting what is necessary. If you want to buy other supplements, be my guest. You can always email me a question about a supplement you'd like to take, and I'll give you some feedback.