Online Health Coaching

Individualized coaching offering motivation, guidance, & support

I help men strengthen their minds and bodies to gain muscle, lose fat, and improve their overall performance. I offer individualized programs and deliver motivation, guidance, support, and accountability through my flexible and efficient coaching app. I use easy-to-understand programs with movement variations for ability and thorough instruction through an extensive exercise demonstration library.

Coaching focuses on three pillars:

  • Guidance: Teaching you what to do, how to do it and what to do it with

  • Accountability: Regular attention to help you stay committed

  • Support: Helping you to overcome your challenges


What makes Rule 76 Fitness unique?

More than ever, people need to lose fat, gain muscle, and achieve overall good health. Working as a personal trainer shows me this every day. We talk less about the fact that people need a mentality change before they can have their physical transformation. Change the brain behavior, and then the body behavior changes. Sounds easy, but let's not kid ourselves. This will be the most challenging part.

I get great satisfaction from helping people change their minds and body. Assisting people to lose fat is excellent, but I like to see what they gain. Gains like strength or mobility...durability, resiliency, and a mental edge.

So, I wanted to expand my coaching. Online health & fitness coaching lets me reach more people and help more than ever.

I don't want to be like everybody else. I want my coaching and training to have a different feeling. I want to make an impact on your life. I'm known for my brutal honesty when it comes to personal training. There is no smoke and mirrors in my training. No hidden agenda. No ten best exercises. No getting ripped in 90 days, BS. I've never made a hard-to-follow program. However, I make my programs to be hard to do. Let's make this very clear. I'm going to teach, coach, and train. You must give 100% of your effort (blood, sweat, tears), and we will find the results. I will do it better and give my online health & fitness coaching clients an incredible experience. I will offer individualized programs and deliver motivation, guidance, support, and accountability through an efficient system.

I took this seriously and partnered with my techy trainer, Joey, to create a system that enables me to give my online health & fitness coaching clients an extraordinary experience--very similar to my one-on-one clients at the gym and, in some ways, better.

The two rules of my online coaching…

Be safe, and have some fun along the way.


The Major players


Whatever your age or fitness level, we can all benefit from some help and guidance in health, fitness, workouts, and nutrition.


Every workout and coaching session is individualized for you. No templates. No 'system. My thorough assessment lets me give you the best individualized health and fitness advice possible. Everything we do together is in your best interest and prioritizes you. Online health & fitness coaching fits into your schedule, not the schedule & availability of the trainer in the gym.


Most of us don't have a support group, people who can push us in the right direction regarding eating healthy and working out correctly. Knowledge is necessary, but action is mandatory.

With online health & fitness coaching, I'm just a few clicks away on the other side of a computer screen, always here to help you reach your goals. And that's help from a real person with real-life experience whose only priority is you. :)


Rates & Services

I offer three packages so I have something for everyone


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