non-scale victory

More than just the numbers

No tape measure or scale. Numbers are not the only way to show progress. We are so fixated on having numbers tell us if we've made progress. Other things show you that you are on the right track.

Seeing is believing.

  • The scale and tape are not the only way to see change. Do you have an article of clothing you would like to fit into again? A lot of people have a pair of pants in their closet that they want to be able to wear again. Use these ideas when gauging progress.

  • This may be hard for some. Keep in mind it’s hard to see results when you look at yourself every day. Taking before and during photos will help you see the change—notice I didn’t say after photo. Because there is no after, you will always be in the during the phase. Space out the pictures every 30 days. I also recommend removing all articles of clothing except underwear. Take a front-side and back images. Use a well-lit area and pose in the same place every time.

  • Many of my clients mention that they feel better way before they see weight loss. Noticing that you are sleeping better or a routine task that was hard is now not so challenging indicates that you are improving. Please remember how you feel when you start eating correctly and getting regular exercise.

Doing more is greater than being smaller

Being able to do a physical feat that they previously couldn't do. This is under represented in the fitness industry.

Take, for example, one of my female clients who restarted skiing. After five years of training and nutritional changes, she hit the slopes again. No scale can measure the fun she is having, and no tape measure to show if she's being healthy. This is a non-scale victory of participation…moving from ‘not doing’ into ‘doing’.

Progress Pictures, not ‘before & after’

Mostly during. Everyone likes a before and after. We should take the progress photos (during) and show ourselves all the hard work that goes into a body transformation. Look at your progress by taking photos every two weeks. The media likes to show only the successes. Why? It literally pays for companies to only show the best results even if they've had more failures than successes, and even if it’s unhealthy.

They want you to buy their product. They don't want to show behind the curtain.