
Nutrition again?

It’s got to be done right. This part cannot be hacked. It’s time to face your relationship with food. Get it right, and you will see the benefits. Do it wrong…..well, we all know what happens when we get it wrong.


  • Pick the best option when it comes to eating healthy. Will you need a meal prep service? Can you do your shopping and cook for yourself? Will you meal prep?

    Think about doing it for an entire year. What option do you think will get you there? Could you combine a meal service and do some meal prep>

  • It’s time to learn how to better care for yourself and those around you. Take time to learn to cook. Meal Prep takes time; plan it into your calendar. It will take time for you to get it right, be patient with yourself.

  • If you are not all in for changing your eating strategies, losing weight and feeling healthy will never happen. Don’t dip your toe into the water; jump in and enjoy immediate benefits to your health.


Alright folks, welcome to the page where we unravel the mysteries of sustainable nutrition, tailored just for you! Now, I've pondered long and hard about how to be your ultimate food guru. I mean, sure, I could throw recipes and cooking hacks at you until we're both blue in the face, but let's face it, that wouldn't hold a candle to what those fancy online food services offer. They've got entire teams dedicated to making your culinary dreams come true!

But hey, fear not! While I may not have a team of nutrition ninjas, I'm here to be your trusty guide through the jungle of food options. Think of me as your nutrition GPS, steering you away from the junk and towards the good stuff.

There's a world of apps and food services out there just waiting to lend you a helping hand. My job? To sift through the noise and present you with the cream of the crop. Get ready to take the wheel on your nutrition journey. Because ultimately, the power to craft your perfect plate lies in your hands.


Here's a pro tip: When choosing a meal service, ask yourself a few key questions. Is it easy on the wallet? Do I have the time to cook? Will my family join in, or is it just me? Do I fancy playing chef with the ingredients they send, à la Blue Apron?

Now, listen up, I don't play favorites when it comes to diets. Whether you're keto, paleo, vegan, or vegetarian, it's all good in my book. But here's the scoop: while some options might cost a pretty penny, think of the perks. Sure, they might dent your wallet a tad, but hey, no more grocery store runs means no more wasting time in traffic or blowing cash on gas. And who needs the headache of brainstorming new recipes anyway? Let those food services take the guesswork out of it for you!

Meal prep

Let's talk meal prep services, shall we? One thing I dig about them is they're like your personal food fairy, doling out just what you need, so bye-bye, food waste! Now, choosing the right one might feel like hunting for a needle in a haystack, but fear not, I'm here to be your guide through the culinary jungle. I'll handpick options that suit your lifestyle, but it's up to you to kickstart those healthy habits and hit the start button on those services.

Now, you might wonder, why bother chatting about a topic you're probably bombarded with already? Well, because let's face it, folks, we're still messing up our diets left, right, and center. I'm not here to lecture you on what to eat. Nah, I'm more like your nutritional wingman, dishing out the resources you need to slay the healthy living game. But here's the issue: if you don't use those tools, you're just spinning your wheels, my friend.

Now, let's address the elephant in the room. I've got zilch empathy for those who know the science, the facts, and still choose to swerve away from the nutritional highway. Yep, you heard me right. As adults, we're all masters of our destiny. You wanna chow down on chips and skip the gym? That's on you. But don't come crying to me when your pants feel a bit snug, alright?

Sure, I've spent more hours than I care to count dissecting clients' diets, and handing out advice like candy on Halloween. And guess what? It works! But here's the kicker: you gotta put in the sweat equity. I mean, I'd love to say every client I've had followed my advice to the letter, but let's get real, life's not a fairy tale. So why the reluctance? Beats me! Maybe it's the allure of those late-night snacks or the siren call of the couch. Trust me, I get it.

Life's hectic, right? Between the nine-to-five grind and keeping up with the rugrats, who's got time to meal prep? But hey, here's the kicker: where there's a will, there's a way. So let's roll up our sleeves, flex those willpower muscles, and show those bad habits who's boss!

You can do this.

It’s time to be proud of yourself.

Taking some action 

So here's the game plan, folks: snag yourself an app like MyFitnessPal. Trust me, it's like having a personal nutrition coach in your pocket. Now, I'm not just blowing smoke here—I've done my research. This app has a track record longer than Santa's naughty list, and it's got the goods to back it up. Plus, it's as easy as pie to use. Just plug in your deets, and voilà! It spits out your daily calorie needs faster than you can say "extra cheese."

Oh, and here's a pro tip: get the premium version. Get all the bells and whistles here. It’s not costly and it has many helpful tools. One is that it connects to my App. Yup, that’s right. It’s just another level of nutritional security. Your coach gets to see and help you make the best nutritional choices. Think of it like a nutritional concierge.

Now, onto the next hurdle: crafting a nutritional plan that sticks. Sure, tracking your food intake is about as thrilling as watching paint dry, but hey, it gets the job done. And let's be real, accountability is the name of the game here.

But fear not, my friends, for I've got a trick up my sleeve. Ever thought about teaming up your food service with MyFitnessPal? Picture this: the app tells you how many calories you need, and boom! You relay that info to your food service, and they whip up meals tailored to your needs. Log into MyfitnessPal and enter what you ate for the day. Talk about a match made in culinary heaven!

Now, I know what you're thinking—getting your nutrition on point is about as likely as winning the lottery. But guess what? I've got your back. With years of experience in the fitness biz, I've seen it all. And trust me, meal prep is more than just a buzzword—it's a game-changer.

make good decisions with your time

Let's break it down, shall we? Does this mean I'm suggesting you sacrifice your weekends slaving away in the kitchen? Well, if you've got the culinary chops and stamina to keep it up for the next few decades, then heck yeah, go for it! But if the thought of spending your Saturdays chopping veggies makes you break out in a cold sweat, fear not! There are options out there that even the clumsiest of cooks can handle.

Enter the food service heroes! Picture this: meals delivered straight to your doorstep, perfectly portioned, cooked, and tailored to your precise caloric needs. We're talking about the likes of Factor 75 and Home Chef, among others. And hey, if you're into supporting local businesses, even better! Snag yourself a local company that ticks all your boxes—easy peasy.

But wait, there's more! Ever heard of those food services that send you all the ingredients and a recipe card? Yep, companies like HelloFresh and Blue Apron are in the game, making healthy cooking a breeze. And sure, you might balk at the price tag, but remember, we're talking about sustainable nutrition here.

Now, let's get real for a sec. Will you have everything figured out by the end of the week? Probably not. And hey, that's okay! Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a healthy lifestyle. It takes discipline, consistency, and a hefty dose of willpower. The ball's in your court, my friend. Even with all the healthy options at your fingertips, it's up to you to take action. And trust me, that's the biggest hurdle we all face. So go ahead, seize the spatula, and let's cook up some success!


It’s time

to have a better relationship with your food.

Four hours of meal prep??

If you can't swing the prepared meals or a meal service, it's time to roll up those sleeves and get cookin'. And trust me, you're not alone in this culinary adventure. With a plethora of cooking websites and TV shows at your disposal, you'll be whipping up gourmet meals in no time. I mean, I learned how to cook by binge-watching the Food Network—true story!

Let's talk meal prep. Got four hours to spare on the weekend? Now, I know what you're thinking— “ I don’t have that kind of time”. I've cracked the code to make it less of a chore.

Back in the day, I used to spend hours slaving away in the kitchen on Sundays. But let me tell you, that routine got old real quick. I mean, how many times can you eat the same bland chicken and broccoli before you start questioning your life choices?

So, I made a simple yet game-changing tweak to my approach. Instead of cooking just enough for one meal, I started making extra of that one meal, a lot more. (like Beef Stroganoff, one of my faves), That way, I had leftovers for not just one, but two additional meals. Genius, right?

Suddenly, my dinners went from boring to bougie. And bonus: I expanded my culinary horizons by trying out new recipes throughout the week. Talk about a win-win!

Learning to navigate the kitchen was a game-changer for my health journey. Those basic cooking skills gave me the confidence to take charge of my nutrition and set me up for success.

And hey, just so we're clear, I’m not a master chef and I'm not getting a dime from any of those fancy meal prep companies. I'm just here to help you find what works best for you. Let's cook up some magic together!

Nutrition First


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