HRT and E.D.


I do not claim to be the utmost authority on HRT and E.D. I do not know everything there is to know about testosterone and ED medications. I do not know if HRT is right for you. I DO KNOW where to gather the right information that will be the most helpful for you. I have over 3 decades of health and fitness knowledge, I have learned to hear and smell bullshit from a mile away. I will provide that buffer between all the influencers so you get the most relatable and useful information possible.

If you are really interested in fixing your current situation try reading a very helpful book. It’s called “The Testosterone Optimization Therapy Bible” by Jay Campbell and Jim Brown. Much smarter people than me have been so kind as to leave us with the written word of knowledge. Use it to benefit you.

You’re not alone

  • Thats okay. Most men find this topic hard to talk about. When you embrace having Low T and a limp pecker then we can move on to getting you help. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s stupid not to get help.

  • I have felt this way before. It sucks. Testosterone, when low is hard on you mentally. Your brain will mess with you during this time. Take heart. There is help. Don’t be a stubborn ass man. Make an appointment with a Mens Health Clinic that specializes in HRT and E.D. therapy.

  • It depends. Would getting an erection to please your partner be a bad thing? Would you like to feel more like a man? There are a few options for you. talk to your local Men’s clinic to get more information. Be smart. Be informed, and for the love of whatever, please stop listening to celebrities. They do not care about you, they care about the money.

There is no excuse for not knowing.

HRT & E.D. Oh my

Why I'm on hormone therapy, and why am I telling you? About five years ago, I noticed I was feeling a lot different. I felt sluggish and tired and often felt like I needed a nap. I did not want to engage in working out. Actually, I quit working out at the gym altogether. I was feeling so burned out. I am a health professional here, and I don't feel healthy. Some of my symptoms looked a lot like depression. If I did any physical activity, I would later feel wiped out. I knew something was wrong, and I thought I had low testosterone. I didn't go in and get checked right away. I thought I could give it some time, and these feelings and tiredness would disappear. Maybe my body and mind would adjust? I was wrong. I was helping people live their healthiest lives every day.


Meanwhile, I was feeling like crap, and I kept feeling like crap for a couple of years; I felt like a trainer imposter. My body was also changing. Not in a good way. I gained a lot of mid-section fat, and my muscles became soft and weaker. I kept telling myself it would be OK and that I would soon be out of this state. Again, I was wrong.

I finally got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. That's when I visited my local men's health clinic. They specialize in hormone replacement therapy. I am not going to bore you with all the details. Let's say it was a game-changer. Before you get too excited and think this is the cure to all your problems, AN OUNCE OF CAUTION IS IN ORDER. This will not fix everything. It will not get you big muscles and reduce body fat to 6%. It will not make you the sex king of your bedroom. In fact, it's not going to be the same for everyone. Building muscles starts with adding resistance training into your life. Taking steroids and doing nothing will get you just that, nothing. Even if you work out and eat ideally, steroids will not remove all the fat. It will not make you want to hump everything like you did when you were 18.

Hormone replacement therapy should be done with the right intentions. For HRT to have its best effect, you, the person taking it, should be living your healthiest lifestyle. HRT helped me get back on track. It did not cure me. It will not cure you, but it could help you. I advise you to speak with a clinic that specializes in HRT. They can answer all your questions.

slow down use your brain

Things to think about before taking HRT. Cost. It can be spendy for those on a tight budget. I know. I get it. All the good stuff costs me more money. Yup. Here's a hack. If you want to afford the stuff that's good for you, STOP spending money on the crap that's bad for you. Stop buying that expensive coffee every day. Stop going out to eat as much. Stop some of your streaming services. The list can go on and on. Free up some cash flow. Treat yourself to the best quality of food that money can buy. Purchase the best quality supplements. You deserve to feel fantastic. Another thing to consider. Needles. Yikes. There are not too many people who like getting poked with a needle. If you choose to be on HRT, you will be taking a shot once a week. Some men I know split their dosage in half and take the treatment twice weekly. It's a small needle, but it usually frightens the novice. You or a loved one will administer this shot, traditionally done in the upper glute. I suggest a loved one (your partner) or someone you trust. Sit down and watch a video on how HRT injections are done. There are other options for taking HRT; intramuscularly is the best way.

Now it’s a party…

Now, let's talk about erectile dysfunction. I have erectile dysfunction. That's right, I said it. I have erectile dysfunction. Why on earth would I ever admit to that? For most men, this would be highly embarrassing. Not for me. It's not about being embarrassed. It's about telling the truth and what it's like living with it. I'm not going to speak on behalf of other men. I'm using my personal experience. I don't need a damn celebrity telling me shit anymore. I've learned better in my years. Celebrities get paid money to say to you what you want to hear. They do not have your best interest at heart. Unless your heart can make their already fat wallets fatter.

Remember earlier when I said you won't become the sex king of the bedroom? Just because you're on testosterone doesn't make that accurate. The posters on the wall and the celebrities will tell you that it will help increase your sex drive exponentially. For some, this is true, but for others, sadly, it's not. Let's look at it on a scale from 1 to 10. 10 is the highest, and 1 is the lowest. With HRT, some men can have quite a surge in what I call horny feelings. It might feel like an 8 or 9. Me? Not so much. I find that mine fluctuates. Never too high, like I want to hump the furniture, and never too low. I sit comfortably at a 6-7. This is not an accident. I have my levels checked. I am on a schedule, and my doses are monitored. I say all this to also say that being on HRT will not help with getting a boner.

Don’t be a boner

Yikes, he just said boner. I love being able to write how I want. This is what happened to me. Once I was on HRT, and my levels were optimal, and I had become used to getting the injections, I realized I was hornier. New problem. My weiner didn't work. Here I was, wanting to but not being able to. You may be faced with this right now. This shit is frustrating. The good thing is that we live in an age where access to help is easier than ever. We need men to be honest and open about it. Low Testosterone and E.D. are not incurable and are nothing to be embarrassed about. It's not like you asked for it. Men's clinics are opening everywhere, and men like me(not celebrities) are being more honest about it. It's time to start taking control over some things. REMINDER. HRT and E.D. medications work differently in every man. I can't cover every scenario; some of this journey is found during the experience. Basically, you have to try it to see how you'll react. Dont worry. Doctors are standing by to help give you the correct doses and change them when needed.

I've given you a path to follow. It's up to you to take the time and do some more research. Find out if it's right for you. Lastly, because I love repeating myself. Think about the cost. It's costly. I also know you can get this stuff on the black market. Do they still call it that? I suggest you don't at first. Go to a legitimate clinic. Do one year with the clinic at least before going all rogue. This is no time for bro science. Just because your buddy takes a certain dosage doesn’t mean that’s what you should take. It has to be said because so many men abuse the treatment. WE MEN know best. Instructions? What instructions? I think you understand. Instead, be the student while working on becoming the master.

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