Hey there! I'm thrilled to embark on a fitness journey with you, focusing on physical transformation and the joy of playing with your kids and cultivating a healthy, playful body for a fulfilling retirement. My expertise lies in guiding individuals like you through various fitness goals, whether it's shedding fat, gaining muscle, getting lean, building strength, or enhancing flexibility and mobility.

I totally understand the universal desire to feel better about oneself. I started my own fitness journey at 14, craving confidence, muscle definition, and strength. Now, at 50, I've achieved those goals and maintained them over the years. I'm eager to share my experiences and insights with you, illustrating how you can attain a healthier and more vibrant lifestyle.

My approach is laser-focused on the unique needs of middle-aged individuals, as I navigate the same life changes and body adjustments. I'm living proof that maintaining a strong and healthy body and mind is possible through all life stages. Life takes unexpected turns, especially in your 40s, and I'm here to guide you through those changes.

I specialize in crafting personalized, sustainable fitness plans that cater specifically to the demands of middle age. Are you open to being coached? Will you prioritize knowledge over vanity? Are you committed to putting in the time required for a transformative journey? I'm here for men who are 100% ready to take charge of their health. If you're not quite there yet, that's perfectly okay—I understand the importance of readiness. When you're prepared to make a substantial commitment, I'll support you every step of the way. Take your time, and let's make this journey one that transforms your body and enhances your overall well-being.

“I've found the fountain of youth…”

It’s a squat rack.



Areas of Focus

  • Xtreme Sports Performance (skate/snow/wake/surf/bmx)

  • Joint Health & Flexibility/Mobility

  • Muscular Strength

  • Sustainable Training

  • Simple Nutrition

Education & Certifications

  • ISSA Personal Training

  • ISSA Strength and Conditioning

  • ISSA Exercise Therapy

  • ISSA Nutrition

  • ISSA Senior Fitness

What sets me apart

  • Real-world experience since 1989

  • Constant research and continuing education (i’m a health nerd)

  • Extensive testing of many workout styles, patterns, and philosophies.


The people I work with

The people I coach come to me from various backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, and health issues etc. We all share similar issues. It could be that you have back issues or extra body fat or strength issues and on and on it goes. We are searching for the answers that would make ourselves feel better and be better. Basically what i’m saying is that I work with real people who have real issues happening. I treat them as real people with real problems. The real solution is giving your health some priority. If its about your health, I have an answer. I know I can help you, will you help yourself?

My favorite times are when clients tell me how strong they feel or how their body doesn't ache anymore or how good their night of sleep was. Even how they speak with more confidence is a sign that they are feeling better.. I coach for the times when I hear my client tell me how they look forward to working out or that they are bummed when they miss a leg day. LOL! No one ever says that, do they?

Coaching is not just me helping you make your body change--it’s about me teaching you how to do it for yourself. YOU are going to make the changes or you won’t. Changes come from within you and sometimes you need a coach to show you the way. That's where I come in. Your mind is on so many other things, and now you are supposed to know how to work yourself out? Well…yes I would love for you to know how to do everything perfectly. Since that’s a ridiculous request why not just follow along to an program based on your schedule and the equipment you have available.Finish the entire program and then when you’ve figured out how to do it for yourself cancel my service. Simple. Or…continue getting coached but through my individualized program. Designed specifically for your needs based on current condition and goal outcome. Curious? Find it on my rates page


Two Dumbbells & a Microphone

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