Not like others

Being different

I could tell you how easy it is to get ripped or shredded. I could tell you how easy it is to diet like me and see great results quickly. It would be easy to say that all this stuff is easy. It’s not. Getting healthy takes some key ingredients that one must work continuously on. I will not be the coach or fitness trainer that sort of tells you the truth. Full disclosure. You will learn that I am here to help you get healthier, make better choices with your nutrition and give you the same advice I give myself. Hard work DOES and always will pay off. You don’t have to be a professional to get great results; you get great results by trying to become professional.

For “F” Sake

  • I know what areas you are struggling with. Most online trainers use this tatic to get you to react immediately.

  • It’s not how it works. There is so much that is involved with losing fat. It takes years for you to put it all together. Stay patient and be consistent.

  • I wish. This will be hard at times. You will struggle, and sometimes dieting or exercising is not fun.


I’m not selling you shorts.

I'm so sick of the marketing behind health and fitness and how the industry has played upon your fears and pain points, and they have yet to give you many solutions to your problems. They want your money and don't care much about you as a person. You're an algorithm, a number, a dollar sign. They would rather sell you their shorts, t-shirts, or supplement products. I don't want to sell you anything. I want you to invest in your health and get educated on how to care for yourself. I show the real me on my social media platforms. I'm a real person, showing what you can do with a healthy body and mind. I'm not trying to convince you that you need to buy something from me; I'm not showing incredible feats of strength or physical abilities to impress you. I won't take my shirt off so you can see my physique. I don't need my abs to show, so you will believe I'm smart and know what I'm doing. I want to convince you that your health is the most essential thing you can invest in. That is where you should spend your money.

What you see is what you get. I live how I preach. I want to set an example. I play as much as possible. I eat as healthy as possible. I exercise as much as possible. I garden to have the foods I enjoy, and it gives me purpose. It also allows me to connect with you on a whole nutritional level. Trainers talk about eating healthy and talk about all the macronutrients, but I have yet to see any trainers who grow their food. Why is that? They spend too much time in the gym in front of a mirror checking their abs. Or constantly being on a "diet" so they don't gain body fat. What I'm saying is that they don't live realistic lifestyles. And they don't have practical bodies. They are what I refer to as Fitness Influencers.

Living a healthy life

I have 36 years of real-world experience. I am a middle-aged man who knows what middle-age training should look like. I exercise my body like an athlete would because I like to do athletic things. I am exercising my body to do the functional things that get harder as you age. It doesn't mean I will show you my routines or give you my workouts. My training is designed to get you back into playing. To unlock you from the desk that you sit at all day. It's the foundation on which you will build. My training starts with you at the very beginning and finishes with you having a body ready to PLAY, work around the house, and a more educated mind.

Do you like emails? Probably not. I get tons of emails like everyone else. It takes time out of my day to either delete or block the sender. It's a pain in the ass. I have decided to keep my emails to a minimum. You will only get emails that have important information. I will not bombard you with emails. Many companies use this sales tactic. Flood the consumer with emails, promotions, and discounts and make it sound urgent, so the consumer has to act immediately. I hate this tactic. I won't do that to you.

addressing the real problem

Many trainers rely on addressing your most painful points. It's another sales tactic. For them to sound smart, they will point out a common problem and then spend time convincing you that they have the best solution to that problem. Example. "Do you have lower back trouble"? I bet you do because you sit at a desk all day. Example. "Do you have stubborn belly fat"? Of course you do. Your nutrition is not on point. Do you see what I'm saying? It's so easy to pray upon your pain points. Here's the truth. I already know you have back pain and unwanted belly fat. We will get to all that. However, we need to start at the beginning. We are going to stop and focus on each step individually. We will take our time doing things correctly and in the correct order. I will not try to make you sore and ache. It will happen, regardless. It will be something that you will need to expect for the first few months.

Every trainer knows that. We also know these areas will get you more interested in us. Most trainers know that the majority of people want fat loss. Duh! That's why trainers focus on this area so much. I'm not going to do that to sell you my program. I know your areas of struggle, probably before you even tell me. It's not to sound arrogant or cocky. I've been in this industry since I was 14, and now I'm 50. With over a decade of one-on-one training, group classes, and 36 years of real-world experience. I will address all areas because I have the years behind me to help you. I have seen trends and fads come and go. I've seen so many diet and workout trends. It never seems to stick around for long. Why? Because it wasn't good advice, it needed a solid foundation of truth or sustainability backed by science. That is what our industry is missing the most.


The foundation will never change, and I am here to help you establish your foundation. I am a seasoned veteran of living a healthy lifestyle. I will show you how you can do the same.

Finally, know this. I'm a patient trainer. Deciding if I'm the right trainer for you should take some time. Look at all the other middle-aged trainers that provide you with a health and fitness service. Make your comparisons. Be a savvy consumer. When you do decide, I will be here.

Hear my story

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