Most Common

  • It’s a month-to-month program that guides clients through sustainable changes in their eating and exercise habits with help from me. With online coaching, it’s just you and me working together. I have your best interests at heart and can earn a fair rate for my abilities. There’s no gym taking a cut of the $$, or pushing ‘sales quotas’, and no big company collecting your data. And I don’t want to promote iffy products or plaster my sites with ads.

    Coaching focuses on three pillars:

    * Guidance: Teaching you what to do with coaching programs individualized to your abilities and goals

    * Accountability: Regular attention to help you stick with it

    * Support: Helping you with the challenges you face

  • All you need is a way to communicate with me, a device to view your program, and of course an internet connection.

    * Windows or Apple

    * Android or iOS

    * Desktop or laptop

    * Phone or tablet

    Clients follow a structured workout plan, engage in regular physical activity, and may be expected to log their food and make changes.

  • I accept new clients at any time. No tricks here like false exclusivity, ascension sales methods, or ‘fast action bonus’. Same rates all the time. No promotional pricing at certain times of the year to prey on temporary motivation.

    Fill out a Coaching Inquiry (new tab) if you want to start.

  • I specialize in helping motivated men develop life-long habits to regain their health and get in the best shape of their lives—for the rest of their lives.

    Typically my clients have more fat to lose than they’d like, and also need to gain strength. Many have struggled with weight all their lives.

    My online health & fitness coaching is also great for people with busy schedules who want personal accountability, a structured nutrition program to follow, and a coach to help keep them consistent and on-track. For busy people, being able to get their workout in on their schedule (rather than a trainer’s at the gym) is super beneficial.

    The main focus of the program is to systematically teach you to improve your eating and exercise habits. Starting with small changes that stick and building success. Just like learning letters before words, and words before sentences.

    I help clients build the habits they need to get results that last forever. Nothing sexy, but highly effective. I don’t have a ‘special’ diet plan for you or ‘magical’ exercise program. You’ve probably seen most of what I’ll do with you. I’ll help you make it happen and get the most from your efforts.

  • If you follow my recommendations and stick with it then yes, you will get results. I can say that with confidence because I coach you as an individual, figuring out what’s best for you; rather than cramming you through a system.

    But you have to commit to making changes in your life. It will take time determination to make it through the hard work. I can also say that with confidence.

    Transforming your body isn’t easy, but it is possible. Once you make the commitment to get in better shape, I’ll be with you every step of the way. When life pushes you around and difficulties come up, I’ll help you push back.

  • Sure, you can try another diet book or read more articles. If you get great results with those tools, I applaud you. And I’m glad to know you’re thinking about exercise & nutrition often and gathering info.

    The biggest difference is that coaching comes with a real relationship with another human being—especially in the role of a coach or a mentor.

    And those articles and books can’t know if you’re the right person for their recommendations...and if you are, they still can’t tell if you’re following the recommendations correctly.

    Maybe that exercise is right for you...or maybe not. And maybe you’re doing it right...or maybe not. Working with a coach makes sure that you’re doing the right things correctly.

  • Yes. I’ve worked with lots of people who are new to exercise and healthy eating. In some ways you may have an advantage by starting a ‘blank slate’ and learning the right things first. No un-learning of poor technique--you can just learn correct technique right off.

    And remember, we were all beginners at some point.

    My clients come in all shapes and sizes, are all ages, and come from all different backgrounds.

  • Some of my clients have years of experience with consistent workouts and healthy eating. They still get great results coming to me to get more from their efforts or to take things to the next level.

    For some of the most busy people, I take care of the nutrition and exercise programming of their life so they can focus on improving other parts of their lives.

  • Yes and good to hear you ask that because I also want you to gain muscle. More muscle mass is one of the best things most people can do for their health. I have excellent exercise programming and nutrition guidance for people who want to gain muscle.


Costs & Billing

  • Some people are looking for a bit of guidance and others either desire or need much more direction, support, and accountability from me.

    See the Pricing and Services page or message me with questions if you've already checked that page out.

    Total cost will depend on coaching duration. I don’t do contracts but do encourage people to stick with it for at least 16 weeks.

    There will also be costs for gadgets and tools--like kitchen stuff, mobility gadgets, and fitness tools.

  • You can cancel at anytime. I don’t have a mandatory coaching contract but I suggest you stick with it for at least 12 weeks. There’s a certain amount of time required for the biological tissues of your body to change. And the longer you’ve been doing unhealthy habits, the longer it will take to reverse things.

    Your coaching information and resources will be available to you until the end of your last billing cycle. After that, it will be archived.

  • I back up my work because it’s the right thing to do. Stick with me for 16 weeks with full engagement in your program. If you’re unsatisfied, I’ll give you a refund minus 3.7% payment processing fees. That's $18 from 16 weeks of L1 coaching and $75 of L3.

    This refund policy does not apply if you don't engage in your program.

  • Most people aren’t successful on their own because of a large amount of misinformation about dieting and the generations of incorrect education about nutrition. I hate seeing people work SO HARD doing the wrong things. It's not fair to you that you've received so much bad information. Also, dieting on your own does not address the other metabolic factors that could be affecting your health. Its ok to have a coach helping you get to where you want to go. I want you to be able to do this on your own. Until that day comes , coaching might be useful.

  • You will need to make changes — all changes for the better. You will learn skills and routines that become the foundation for healthier long-term habits. Coaching with me includes numerous elements to support and solidify these positive changes.



  • For those with an impaired (or removed) thyroid, coaching with me can still be highly effective as long as your condition is being properly controlled through medication.

  • Coaching with me is appropriate for non-insulin dependent diabetics, with a dietary regimen that will help to stabilize and control blood sugar. I do not recommend online coaching for Type I or insulin-dependent diabetics because I can’t monitor your condition during exercise.

  • Coaching with me is compatible with most medications, including common drugs for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. As your health improves due to weight loss and increased activity, you may be able to reduce or even eliminate your medications in consultation with your physician.

  • Coaching with me is designed to address the causes of high blood pressure, and as such can be beneficial for those suffering from this condition.

  • If you’ve regained weight or failed to reach your goal after gastric bypass, sleeve or lap band surgery, coaching with me can provide the education and structure to help you reach and sustain a healthy weight.

  • Your coaching will be adjusted and we will always defer to your doctor's recommendations.

  • I have dozens of clients in their 50’s-60’s who have succeeded. We factor in your age and change things just for you to ensure safety.



  • Certainly! We will work together to get you eating a healthy balanced diet. Focusing on making sure you consume adequate nutrients from healthy foods without feeling like you're missing out on favorites.

    There are some foods I advocate for you to include and there are some foods that I encourage you to restrict (excessive alcohol, added sugars and artificial sweeteners), along with other foods / ingredients which can cause inflammation.

  • No, I don’t give out meal plans. Meal plans are pretty strict and rarely followed over the long term. Structure can help many people, but more end up feeling like they’ve failed and are beyond hope if they’re not eating perfectly at every meal.

    Instead, you and I will work through a series of small habit changes to maximise your nutrition. You get to choose—with my help–which foods are best for you, when to eat those foods, and how much to eat of them.

  • When it comes to food, most clients actually end up saving money on their grocery bills. This is because they make more informed, careful decisions, eat out less, and spend fewer dollars on processed novelty foods, replacing them with whole, delicious natural foods.

    As for supplements, I may recommend a few health-oriented products, based on your unique needs and goals. These are completely optional and are typically vitamins and minerals, not crazy ‘proprietary blends’.

  • Coaching with me is designed to effectively combat the physiological causes of cravings and hunger. This is achieved through a combination of factors including nutritional content of the program, and an approach designed to stabilize blood sugar levels and improving hunger signaling

  • No, unlike diets that use simple calorie restriction, nutrition advice from me is designed to assist in increasing muscle mass. You might even feel like you’re eating more while losing weight.

  • Points systems aren’t bad, but they fail to address the fact that calories are not created equal. Your body needs proper nutrition for optimal weight loss. You will learn about the food itself, not a point system around food.

  • For optimal nutrition, I recommend eating freshly prepared high-quality foods. I’ll teach you how to prepare food if you need. Eating processed foods with chemicals and artificial sweeteners is not only unhealthy but it doesn’t address the behavioral issues that caused weight gain or teach proper habits to keep the weight off.

  • Everything I teach can be shared with others in your household – there is no need to cook different meals for yourself and your family. It is likely to be great for everyone in your household

  • Be patient with yourself and your body during the first weeks of your journey. Understand this is the beginning of a transformation. The introduction of nutritious and healthy products and food will begin to give your body what it has been craving. Products are recommended to help you prepare for an efficient weight loss during this period. You may feel a little down or maybe even like you’re beginning to get sick, but this is typically temporary and only due to the change you've made.

  • Not real food and probably too much sugar. But also better than eating nothing--because under-eating makes your body think you’re in a famine.

  • I recommend that you do not skip the meal or shake even though you may not feel hungry. Your body needs ongoing nourishment. We desire a smooth blood sugar level throughout the day and maintain that with regular food intake--not too large a portion though!

  • I recommend that you increase your protein intake (which will increase your caloric intake). This extra fuel will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to support more activity without spiking blood sugar too much (which sends a signal to your body to store fat). Alternatively, including more healthy fats in your diet will stave off hunger without boosting blood sugar. Remember, fat in your food doesn’t make you fat!

  • It is not uncommon to experience side effects when changing your normal eating habits. These include; headache, fatigue, constipation, or upset stomach. Sometimes it takes time for your body to adjust to the new normal that you created. First, try to drink more water or eat a small snack. Fatigue and headache are often signs your body is not getting enough or that you might be experiencing slight low blood sugar. Feelings that you might pass out or puke are signs of very low blood sugar.

  • Be as good as you want. You decide the pace of this whole thing and I don’t advocate for ‘perfect all the time’--it’s unsustainable.

  • Those with 100+ pounds to lose are my favorite because I know we are really making a profound difference by working together. People with more weight to lose are most likely to see above average results, and I urge you to consider coaching with me starting immediately.

  • Depending on how things are, you can typically lose this amount from coaching with me for just a month or two, though I do recommend a brief period of maintenance as well to ensure it stays off. And to be honest. No one has ever come to me to lose this amount of weight.


Fitness Workouts

  • All guides are immediately accessed once purchased and do not expire. All guides include organized daily workouts as well as repetitions/sets and photos demonstrating each exercise. You also receive links to videos demonstrating proper form for each exercise along with progression videos so you can increase or decrease difficulty.

  • We will substitute other physical activities that are more comfortable and achieve the same results. If you are unable to be active in any way, it is still possible to lose weight on the program, however, your pace of loss will likely be slower than average.

  • Most information will be delivered by email, with either direct files or links. Be sure to make sure all my messages make it through your Inbox filters. I’ll send fitness and nutrition information on Google Docs and Trainerize.

    I highly recommend you always use a Google account for working with me. I use Google systems and everything just works so well together.

  • All clients receive links to the program guide and all exercise demonstration videos. Level 2 and Level 3 clients also get a private fitness coaching app where they can see their program and track stats.

    Learn what each level of coaching includes and review all packages.

  • The Trainerize app works on iOs and Android or you can view on your desktop/laptop. When I set up your fitness plan you’ll receive a message to download the app.

    On the app you’ll be able to see your fitness plan, workout guides, exercise demonstration videos, and extensive stat/result tracking for workouts and body measurements.

    You and I work together using the app to communicate. So I can adjust your workouts and you can track your stats and leave notes for me.

  • The workouts are as hard as you make them. There are levels for each exercise to allow progression. Ultimately the workouts will only get harder and harder. When you’re more fit, you will be expected to do more--move faster, further, lift heavier, rest less, etc. But remember, the hard workout hour makes the other 23 hours of the day much better.

  • Nope, you don’t have to join a gym to be successful with my coaching. All the exercise programs can be performed at at home or at a gym. I will create a personalized routine for you based on the equipment you have once you complete the Assessment.

    We will stick to my Limited Equipment or Home Gym routines so there will be a little less exercise variety (fair warning).

  • I don’t require progress photos, but visually documenting your journey is an important measuring tool. It’s also important for me as your coach to see you.

    Most people who take pictures find them to be great trophies later. Most people who don’t take pictures wish they had later.