DJ Moore
Health & Fitness Professional

Coaching Available
online worldwide
in-person in Beaverton, Oregon


Get Coaching

I offer programs and deliver motivation, guidance, support, and accountability through my flexible and efficient coaching app.

I use easy-to-understand programs with movement variations for ability and thorough instruction through an extensive exercise demonstration library. The program is fun and safe. These workouts can be done at home or your local gym.

Did I say “fun” and “safe”? I guess that’s a relative statement. What I should say is that these programs are not intended to be fun; they are designed for you to get healthier. So you can have more fun and feel safe when doing fun things. It’s fun when you feel strong and healthy. It’s fun when you have an active lifestyle. Fun is what we want to have when we play.

I offer one-on-one in-person coaching and online coaching.


Health & Fitness Coaching



Elevate your fitness journey with my tailored approach designed specifically for middle-aged men. Through a blend of guidance, accountability, and coaching support, I'm here to help you unlock your body's full potential. By combining my warm-up routines, Mobility 36, and a comprehensive Three-phase program, we'll focus on freeing up your joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles, enabling you to return to physical activity safely and with confidence.



Currently not doing in-person training. I’m making my main focus on online training. I love one-on-one training, but I can’t reach as many men using this old-school method. One day I plan on having my health and fitness studio. Then I will start taking clients again.


M36 Launch

M36 is a targeted mobility training program for individuals seeking improved flexibility and joint functionality. With a focus on 36 joint-unlocking movements, this comprehensive workout system is tailored for those looking to safely return to an active lifestyle, whether playing with kids, enjoying golf, or cruising on a skateboard.


Rule 76:

“No excuses,
play like a champion.”


About Me

This is a one-person business, and there’s no team of stylists or editors here. Hence, you get the real, transparent, and textured reality. #TextureOverPolish

I deliver one program (in 3 phases) along with motivation, guidance, and support. I’m a coach and teacher. I want us to work together to accomplish your goals. You must own your health, which means you must return to school. It’s time to learn. When you learn something right, you can take ownership and do it for yourself. That’s what is important to me. You learn and retain, and then you will succeed. That’s what this coaching service is about.

I want to help men strengthen their minds and bodies to gain muscle strength, lose fat, and improve their lives using safe, easy-to-follow workouts. Notice I didn’t say easy to accomplish. I know this will challenge you, and you won’t be perfect when doing these workouts. That’s okay. I’m not perfect, either.


My Style

Texture over polish. Keeping it real. You get the real me, not some social persona.

Just me --no team. No crew, staff, or virtual assistants.

Health coaching built on a personal connection and focused on your best health

Clarity & honesty in everything I recommend. I live how I coach.

Old enough to have gotten through the BS so you don’t have to hear it.


Podcast - Two Dumbbells and a Microphone

Fun & Genuinely Useful Health & Fitness Advice From Two Fitness Professionals With A Refreshing Take On The Topics You’d Expect.

Friendly. Realistic. Accessible.

Free & Independent. #Unsponsored
